Saturday, January 9, 2010

Burning Churches in Malaysia over the use of the word "Allah"

Clearly, there's a whole bunch of people taking advantage of the church burning? what's next? persecuting Malaysian Christians? Malaysians must remember what happened in our neigbouring country's minority Chinese during the height of the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s! Malaysians must all stand up against these mis-leading thoughts. God has 99 let's share the use of the word "Allah" in reference to the same One.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Matauari Bay

Went camping with some friends the week before Christmas @ Matauari Bay, New Zealand. It was a wonderful experience especially for my children. They love it and have already been asking about next year's trip back to the same place. Free Crayfish, Free Fish Head and Mussels....WOW!!!
When Bow, bow low (Chinese proverbs)

Learning to Blog

This is whole new experience and I am hoping that my eyes would be open and enlighten by different views.